Vietnam Briefing News

US Commerce Department Delays Decision on Vietnam’s Market Economy Status Due to IT Disruptions


The US Commerce Department has delayed its decision on upgrading Vietnam to market economy status to August 2 due to IT disruptions caused by CrowdStrike software issues.

How Will the 2024 US Presidential Election Outcome Shape US-Vietnam Relations?


We discuss how the US election outcome could shape future US-Vietnam relations based on the previous track record of the candidates.

Vietnam Labor Market Report for H1 2024


The Vietnam labor market showed positive trends in H1 2024, with increased employment opportunities and salary growth. Additionally, the proportion of Vietnamese workers holding degrees or certificates rose to 28.1 percent in the second quarter of 2024.

Tax Audits for Representative Offices in Vietnam


We discuss the key points of tax audits for Representative Offices in Vietnam, considering that these entities rely entirely on their parent companies without the ability to generate profits or enter into contracts independently.

FDI, Export Targets to Propel Sustainability Adoption in Vietnam’s Garment and Textile Sector


The stakes are high for Vietnam’s garment and textile sector as key exports markets and competing producer markets intensify their push for green targets, influencing brand appeal to consumers and sourcing decisions by global fashion retailers.

Prospects for Environmental Technology Investors in Vietnam


Vietnam’s commitment to sustainable development and achieving net-zero (carbon emission) goals offers significant opportunities for environmental technology innovation and foreign investment.

EuroCham Vietnam’s Business Confidence Index for Q2 2024


EuroCham’s Q2 2024 BCI report shows European businesses in Vietnam are generally optimistic, yet underscores the necessity for enhanced policy and regulatory reforms to improve the business environment.

Vietnam Tax Codes: An Explainer


Vietnam’s tax codes identify taxpayers and determine tax liability. Here, we outline how to acquire them and explain their importance.

Vietnam’s Economic Performance in H1 2024: Key Indicators and Growth Forecast


Vietnam’s strong economic performance in the first half of 2024 has led the General Statistics Office (GSO) to project a 6-6.5 percent growth rate for the year, meeting the government’s target.

Vietnam-South Korea Trade and Investment


Vietnam and South Korea are poised to continue to complement their respective economic and industrial strengths and expand their cooperation in frontier sectors.

Events in Vietnam All Events

Our free webinars are packed full of useful information for doing business in Vietnam.

Related reading
  • Getting Your Goods to Market in Vietnam
  • Investing in Vietnam’s Startup Sector
  • Vietnam’s Logistics Sector: Opportunities in Air, Sea, and Land Connectivity
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2023
  • Vietnam's HR Landscape, Compliance, and Recruitment
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