Ministry of Labor Announces New Penalties for Employers

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Jul. 28 – Vietnam’s Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has released a new draft of rules that address the mistreatment of employees.

If the draft is approved, companies will be fined up to VND5 million if salaries are not paid in full or delayed without compensation. A fine of VND3 million will also be meted if a company does not designate changing rooms, bathrooms and toilets specifically for female employees.

Moreover, a company that refuses to hire female workers because of marriage, pregnancy, or child-rearing will be fined up to VND10 million. The same fine applies to a company hiring teenage workers to do physically grueling work.

The draft also states that employers must allow female employees raising children under one year old to have one hour of rest a day. Job services providers can mete a fine of up to VND10 million as well as risk their business license being cancelled if they use false job ads.