Legal & Regulatory

Vietnam’s Extended Producer Responsibility Policy: Company Recycling Obligations


Vietnam’s amended Environment Protection Law (EPL) in 2022 introduced a new “extended producer responsibility” (EPR) policy which places the burden of responsibility to recycle on companies.

Vietnam Decree 23 Outlines Bidding Processes for Key Sectors Projects


Vietnam has introduced comprehensive regulations via Decree 23 on the bidding processes for project implementation and investor selection. It follows the New Bidding Law that came into force beginning of 2024.

Vietnam Law on Personal Data Protection: Latest Developments and Insights


Vietnam’s proposed Personal Data Protection Law is another significant move toward enhancing data privacy and regulatory streamlining. The law is at the development stage, with the Ministry of Public Security seeking critical feedback.

Vietnam Proposes Regulatory Sandbox for Banking Sector: Draft Decree Guidelines


A new Vietnam Draft Decree proposes a Regulatory Sandbox in the banking sector focused on three solutions, provided either by credit institutions or fintech companies – credit scoring, open application programming interface (API), and P2P lending.

Vietnam Unveils Decree 32/2024/ND-CP on the Management and Development of Industrial Clusters


Decree 32/2024/ND-CP regulating industrial clusters in Vietnam takes effect on May 1, 2024. Key provisions impacting stakeholders are summarized in this article.

Vietnam Issues Draft Decree Regulating Foreign Telecom Service Providers


A Vietnam draft decree provides further clarity for foreign telecom service providers in the data center, OTT, & cloud computing segments.

Vietnam Issues Decree 10/2024/ND-CP to Attract More High-Tech Investments


Effective from March 25, 2024, Decree 10/2024/ND-CP aims to streamline processes and increase support for investors of high-tech parks and high-tech business activities in Vietnam.

Vietnam’s New Real Estate Business Law


Starting January 1, 2025, Vietnam’s new Real Estate Business Law aims to widen foreign participation in the sector and enhance transparency and regulatory oversight.

Vietnam Housing Law: Draft Decree Guidelines on Foreign Property Ownership


Vietnam’s Ministry of Construction has released a draft decree to guide the implementation of the country’s amended Housing Law, which will come into force on January 1, 2025.

Vietnam’s 2024 Land Law: Significant Amendments and Key Changes


The 2024 amended Land Law in Vietnam brings significant changes to land valuation, rent payments, land use terms, and dispute resolution mechanisms.

Showing 10 of 460 articles
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  • Vietnam Market Entry Strategy for Foreign F&B Companies
  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2024
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