Legal & Regulatory

Providing Security Services in Vietnam for Foreign Firms


Security services are a conditional business line in Vietnam. In this article, the Vietnam Briefing looks at the conditions that must be met in order to establish a security services firm in Vietnam.

Vietnam’s Just Energy Transition Partnership Resource Mobilization Plan: Unpacked


Vietnam’s Just Energy Partnership Resource Mobilization Plan (JETP-RMP) has been completed and was presented last Friday at the Conference of Parties 28 in Dubai. Here are the key takeaways from the plan.

Due Diligence Procedures for Real Estate M&A in Vietnam


Vietnam is becoming an increasingly attractive destination for mergers and acquisitions (M&As), and the country’s real estate sector is a major contributor to this trend. Here’s what firms should know about due diligence in real estate M&As.

Navigating Foreign Loans in Vietnam: Key Considerations


Navigating foreign loans in Vietnam demands a nuanced grasp of regulations and key considerations. Here’s a short overview of what foreign firms should know.

Investing in Logistics Businesses in Vietnam for Foreign Firms


An evermore important link in global supply chains, getting goods into, around, and out of Vietnam quickly and easily is becoming increasingly important. In this article, we look at the regulations around investing in logistics services in Vietnam.

Refurbished Goods, Vietnam, and the CPTPP: Unpacked


Broadly speaking, Vietnam has been averse to importing secondhand goods. However, this may soon change with refurbished goods clauses in several next-generation free trade agreements. Here’s how local regulations on the import of refurbished goods are shaping up with respect to the CPTPP.

Vietnam Amends Law on Electronic Transactions: Implications for Foreign Firms


The law in Vietnam on e-transactions, issued in March 2006, exhibits some shortcomings concerning modern electronic transactions. Therefore, to promote electronic trade, the National Assembly of Vietnam in June 2023 approved the revised Law on Electronic Transactions. Here’s what this might mean for foreign firms.

Supply Chain Sustainability in Vietnam: Responding to Labor and Environmental Regulations


New labor and sustainability regulations around the world are reshaping supply chains. Here’s how these regulations may impact foreign firms operating in Vietnam.

Vietnam’s National Data Center Project: Unpacked


Vietnam’s National Data Center Project has been approved by Resolution 175/NQ-CP. This is in line with the growing importance of data collection and storage in Vietnam. Here are the key takeaways.

Vietnam’s New Decree on Industrial Property Rights


The Vietnamese government recently introduced a new decree containing a set of guidelines for the establishment and safeguarding of industrial property rights. We discuss key provisions and implications.

Showing 10 of 460 articles
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  • Getting Your Goods to Market in Vietnam
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  • An Introduction to Doing Business in Vietnam 2023
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